AMD @ Google Cloud Summit 2023
活動介紹:AMD 今年參展Google Cloud Summit Taipei 2023,邀請與會來賓與專業團隊交流,深入了解 AMD 雲端運算解決方案與最先進產品技術。展區精心設置拍照打卡小遊戲及填問卷抽獎活動,蒐集潛在客戶資訊,增加與來賓的互動,深植品牌印象,提供來賓難忘的參展之旅。
Format:Booth Exhibition
Description:AMD showcased at the Google Cloud Summit Taipei 2023. AMD booth featured with interactive program to engage with potential customers and enhance brand visibility. AMD dedicated to providing attendees with an excellent experience during their exhibition tour.