
南臺灣國際新創聚落 商機及媒合會交流活動
Southern Taiwan Startups Campaign

南臺灣國際新創聚落商機及媒合會交流活動 <br> Southern Taiwan Startups Campaign
南臺灣國際新創聚落商機及媒合會交流活動 <br> Southern Taiwan Startups Campaign
南臺灣國際新創聚落商機及媒合會交流活動 <br> Southern Taiwan Startups Campaign
南臺灣國際新創聚落商機及媒合會交流活動 <br> Southern Taiwan Startups Campaign

活動介紹:NVIDIA全力支持新創企業的創新與成長, 透過提供獨特的工具、資源與機會並舉辦工作坊與展覽協助新創企業在人工智慧領域與資料科學擁有突破性發展,協助台灣新創企業掌握先機,邁向國際舞台。
Format:Offline campaign 
Description:NVIDIA fully supports the innovation and growth of start-ups. By providing unique tools, resources and opportunities, and holding workshops and exhibitions, it helps start-ups make breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence and data science, and helps Taiwan start-ups seize opportunities , to the international stage.

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