ASML CSR Press Event
活動介紹:ASML與天下雜誌合作打造「 ASML光學藝術書車 」,車上裝載著希望閱讀年度好書,還有由ASML首度引進與荷蘭梵谷博物館共同設計的「光學藝術課程」,透過均一教育平台,讓孩子在家中就可以免費使用該課程,結合線上、線下為學童帶來全方位體驗式學習,藉此強化科學和藝術素養。
Format:Press Event
Description:ASML and CommonWealth Magazine build an "ASML Optical Art mobile library" filled with books . Additionally, ASML collaborates with the Van Gogh Museum to introduce an online course. Children can experience diversified learning by watching this course at home through the Junyi Academy education platform.