AMD sponsors the forum targeting high-level decision maker, to develop more business opportunity. Besides speaking session to share in-depth knowledge, AMD also reaches customer through incentive program, both make good impression to guests and increase brand visibility.
AMD joins the well-known annual event between CS departments to connect with young generations. The incentive program combine with social media and product demo attract student to visit the booth to learn more about AMD, which successfully raise brand awareness and create exposure.
AMD與iThome合作舉辦線上研討會,不僅透過媒體邀約及線上宣傳,接觸潛在客戶,推廣AMD EPYC產品訊息,影片以預錄影片方式,安排AMD、Dell、Ansys三位講師以對談形式討論、分享CAE、CAD應用案例及解決方案。會後也針對研討會內容撰寫會後報導,讓分享會再度曝光並持續發酵。
AMD cooperated with iThome to held webinar focus on CAE/CAD solutions.AMDaimed to reach potential customers through media promotion, and invited them to join the webinar to learn more from panel discussion between AMD, Dell and Ansys. The webinar gave in-depth knowledge through case sharing, report was also published to maximize the effect of webinar.
Viatris celebrates brandlaunch via the video mediato deliver company value on this meaningful occasion.Office is full of balloons with Viatris color, and employees takes delight in the photo booth. This event creates joyous atmosphere while successfully enhance the internal cohesion.
創作者解決方案日邀請各領域的創作者參與此論壇,AMD除了透過議程分享解決方案如何提升軟體創作效能 ,加深核心客戶對產品的認同,更藉由攤位展示及互動,讓創作者更加瞭解品牌資訊,進而開發潛在客群市場、增加合作機會。
As sponsor of Creator Solution Day, AMD shared how its solutions upgrade performance efficiency for creation works, and gained recognition from core consumers. Besides, the booth displays several product to attract attendees to get to learn more about AMD, which help to reach potential customer and develop business opportunity.