活動形式:美食市集 / 攤位悠遊 / 舞台表演 / 數位互動
活動介紹:特別邀請同仁與家人在華山大草原野餐以歡慶輝瑞60週年。現場透過ACCUPASS系統報到,並使用手環進行攤位悠遊,有結合輝瑞產品的衛教闖關攤位、美食攤位以及客製手作攤位。舞台上Live Band及同仁表演輪番上陣活絡氣氛,搭配豐富多樣的攤位活動,不亦樂乎!
Format : Anniversary Celebration
Description : Pfizer invited colleagues with their families to go on a picnic in Huashan Prairie to celebrate the 60th anniversary. QR code system was applied for booths including gourmet, game and handicrafts to show the innovation power of Pfizer. Colleagues enjoyed booth programs as well as the stage performance and had great fun on the family day.