
Hitachi Vantara 2020 Partner Summit

Format : Internal training/Presentation Contest/Gala Dinner/Sightseeing
Description : Hitachi Vantara invited partners to Jiaoxi for internal training purpose. Besides the latest brand strategy and product information sharing, gala dinner and sightseeing was also arranged to strengthen relationship with partners and show appreciation to their continuous support.
Medtronic 2020 Year End Party <br> Medtronic 2020 尾牙


As Medtronic spreads all over the world,2020 year end party ‘s theme is “travel around the world”. Everyone take the flight MED-168 to start this journey . There is some exotic game at the warm up section for employee to experience. Exotic dance performance present Medtronic fulls of warmth and globalization . Moreover the traveler ‘s fashion show is a big point of this party.

Hitachi Vantara @ VMware vForum 2019

Hitachi Vantara參展台灣年度IT產業盛會VMware vForum。現場安排SG互動活動增加來賓停留攤位時間、提高業務與來賓的接觸機會。在Hitachi Vantara的議程中分享現代化資料中心應用的案例,深入淺出讓來賓了解品牌,加深品牌印象整體活動成功開發潛在顧客,拓展更多未來合作的可能。

Hitachi Vantara sponsored the annual VMware vForum. On-site interactive program was arranged to arise attendees’ curiosity and drive traffic to booth. Hitachi Vantara also shared examples of modern data center applications in session.The event successfully raised brand awareness and enhance brand image.

Nutanix @ 2019 Manufacturing CIO Forum <br> Nutanix @ 2019製造業論壇南部場


Nutanix attended 2019 ManufacturingCIO Forum. To attract guests, we designed interactive program, which successfully aroused attendees’ curiosity and drove traffic to booth. Besides, Nutanixalso showed attendees how to use real-time data through sessions, which raised attendees' awareness to Nutanix.

Arm Tech Symposia 2019 Taiwan<br>2019 Arm 科技論壇

2019 Arm 科技論壇於台北、新竹隆重舉行,以「The New Era of Compute」為主軸,聚焦 5G、物聯網(IoT)、人工智慧(AI)和機器學習(Machine Learning)等數位創新技術相關議題,攜手眾多業界夥伴,於上午展開專題演講、下午分堂演講及場外實機體驗,來賓人數創近年最高,吸引逾1,500位來賓前來共襄盛舉,一同探討前瞻科技局勢。

Arm Tech Symposia 2019 Taiwan set forth “The New Era of Compute” as main theme, focusing on digital innovation related topics, such as 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning. Along with ecosystem partners, through keynote, technical presentations and booth exhibitions, attracting more than 1,500 guests to participate and discuss the forward-looking technological situation together.

2019 Lite Point Team Building

LitePoint 3天會一的第二天的下午,邀請各國的業務以及高階長官到新店碧潭參與Team Building 的龍舟活動,其中包含客製化歡樂接駁、飲品和點心、毛巾、以及專業龍舟器材和節目。其中龍舟活動包含全英語介紹、暖身、趣味競賽和拔河競賽等。一連串精心安排的活動,讓全球業務和長官們以輕鬆愉悅的心情增進互動,每位參與者都對活動非常滿意。

At the One Team Conference in Taiwan, global Sr. business sales and executives were invited to the Dragon Boat team building at Bitan. The half day customized event revolved around building meaningful connections and creating memorable time, including traditional snacks, professional English coaches, video production and more. A series of well-organized activities allowed participants to interaction with ease. All participants were highly satisfied with the event.
AMD EPYC Partner Forum

AMD舉辦EPYCPartner Forum台北及新竹場次,並與ODM/OEM合作夥伴一同邀約來賓。AMD除了宣布重返伺服器處理器發佈未產品規劃傳達AMD的决心和。整活動更邀請合作夥伴進行案例分享及機台展示,現場討論熱絡AMD期望與合作夥伴更進一步合作,攜手實現更高的目標

AMD hosted EPYC Partner Forums at Taipei and Hsinchu, and announced its return to server market. ODM/OEM partners not only shared their experience during sessions, but also displayed live-demo for deepen product knowledge. AMD expected further cooperation with partners to achieve higher goal in the future.

2019 Nutanix @ Veritas Forum


Nutanixsponsored Veritas Forum, aiming to deliver product message and increase brand exposure in the occasion. Besides preparing questionnaires to understand market trends, Nutanixalso introduced cloud technology in session, bringing brand awareness to attendees.

Broadcom @ Dell Technology Forum
Broadcom 參加 IT 界最具前瞻性、指標性的盛會 Dell Technologies Forum,透過攤位問卷活動接觸更多的潛在客戶,並透過Broadcom分組議程,讓來賓進一步了解現代化儲存基礎架構的規劃及構建,成功傳達產品資訊,並提升品牌能見度。

Broadcom attended the latest and iconic Dell Technologies Forum in 2019. By collecting survey form, Broadcom reach more potential customers, and delivering product message through breakout session. Broadcom successfully increased its brand visibility in this event.

2019 Cisco CIO Summit


Cisco is the worldwide leader in IT, networking, and cybersecurity solutions. The two-day summit was held at the famous getaway, Sun Moon Lake. To promote positive interaction, Cisco AMs and invited high-level clients, along with their families, shared enjoyable time during the meeting and local trip, including boat ride, gala, teabag DIY and more. 

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