
AMD @ Google Cloud Summit 2023
活動介紹:AMD 今年參展Google Cloud Summit Taipei 2023,邀請與會來賓與專業團隊交流,深入了解 AMD 雲端運算解決方案與最先進產品技術。展區精心設置拍照打卡小遊戲及填問卷抽獎活動,蒐集潛在客戶資訊,增加與來賓的互動,深植品牌印象,提供來賓難忘的參展之旅。
Format:Booth Exhibition
Description:AMD showcased at the Google Cloud Summit Taipei 2023. AMD booth featured with interactive program to engage with potential customers and enhance brand visibility. AMD dedicated to providing attendees with an excellent experience during their exhibition tour. 
2023年政府新創應用分享會 <br> 2023 Government Start-up Co-op Sharing Forum

活動形式:論壇 / 攤位展示

Format:Forum / Booth Exhibition
Description:By successful case sharing to showcase the problem-solving capabilities of innovative teams and let them get into government procurement markets. Additionally, setting up booths on-site for not only product displays but also fostering interactive communication and the possibility of collaboration.

2023 AMD Server 合作夥伴分享會暨晚宴 <br> 2023 AMD Server Partner Summit
活動形式:議程 / 晚宴
活動介紹:AMD 舉辦主題議程與合作夥伴搶先揭露最新 AMD Instinct™ MI300 加速器發表,更準備精緻晚宴感謝合作夥伴一路以來的支持。為增進彼此交流、深入傳達產品資訊,另精心規劃互動攤位,結合聖誕節慶製造熱絡氛圍。AMD 期許能持續與合作夥伴攜手搶攻 AI 加速運算商機,再創高峰!
Format:Session / Banquet
Description:AMD unveils the latest AMD Instinct™ MI300 accelerator through sessions in a refined banquet, at the same time expressing gratitude towards partners. Interactive booths foster communication and festive vibes. AMD aims to pursuing for AI acceleration opportunities and success!
海鼎離岸風電計畫 @ 2023台灣國際智慧能源週 <br> Formosa 3 @ 2023 Energy Taiwan
Format:Booth Exhibition
Description:Formosa 3 is jointly developed by Corio Generation and Totalenergies. During Energy Taiwan, several speeches were held to help visitors realize the project. Setting up a wind turbine 3D landscape on-site for visitors to take memorable photos. Additionally, arranging bartenders to prepare theme-based drinks to enhance interaction with the visitors.
2023 AMD @ Oracle Exadata User Group Summit
活動形式:議程 / 晚宴
活動介紹:AMD 與 Oracle 攜手舉辦精彩的議程與晚宴活動,誠摯邀請合作夥伴參與,共同展現卓越性能與創新技術,見證強強合璧的合作成果。期待透過深入的合作,帶來更多價值與機遇。促進夥伴間的緊密合作與業務拓展,凝聚合作力量,共謀未來成功。
Format:Session / Banquet
Description:AMD and Oracle collaborate for exciting sessions and banquet, inviting partners to showcase outstanding performance and innovation. Through deeper cooperation, AMD aim to bring more value and opportunities, fostering close partnership, business expansion, and united efforts for future success.
ASML Volunteer Week
Format : Charitable event
Description : ASML organized an internal fundraising event, inviting five NPO/NGO to the branch to deliver focuses on separate issues. The event not only allows ASML employees to give back to the society, but also enhances sense of social responsibility.
海能風電海上參訪日 <br> Formosa 2 Press Conference
Format : Press Conference
Description : Before the completion ceremony, Minister of Economic Affairs Mei-Hua Wang was invited to visit the offshore wind farm by workboat. Through the press conference, they hoped to reduce dependence on energy imports and accelerate the fulfillment of energy transition.
格斯科技中壢廠區落成啟用典禮 <br> GUS Technology commemorates the inauguration of GWh plant
活動形式:落成典禮 / 晚宴
Format:Inauguration Ceremony / Banquet
Description:A VIP banquet was arranged to celebrate the completion of GUS new plant and to thank the partners for their support. On the day of the ceremony, pray to local temples, lion dance, launching ceremony, and luncheon were planned to show the majestic momentum and witness this milestone!
2023 AMD Solutions Day
活動形式:議程 / 攤位展示
活動介紹:今年AMD傳達AI創新及永續發展決心,號召近八百位與會貴賓共襄盛舉。除了邀請業界權威深入探討AI、Edge AI Computing、HPC與Cloud四大領域之外,現場更雲集強大的合作夥伴。超過20家展示攤位,使客戶得以深入了解AMD生態體系,如何協助企業取得卓越成果。
Format:Session/Booth Exhibition
Description:AMD is committed to AI innovation and sustainable development. Through this event, we invite tycoons to share insights on AI, Edge AI Computing, HPC, and Cloud. Over 20 partners gathered for booth exhibition, showing the  strong ecosystem of AMD.
2023 SAP NOW Taiwan
活動形式:論壇 / 攤位展示
活動介紹:SAP 引領永續發展,開創綠色市場新局。逾千名貴賓參與年度盛會,攜手產官學界重磅講師展開趨勢探討及五力議程,掌握雙軸轉型金鑰。藉由參展合作夥伴的竭力合作,規劃豐富議程及精彩的攤位展示,結合數位體驗,開創新興商機,讓與會貴賓收穫滿滿。
Format:Forum/Booth Exhibition
Description:SAP held the annual event highlighting sustainable future with over a thousand attendees. Besides keynote speakers sharing market trend, SAP cooperated with sponsors for 5 featured tracks and booth exhibition to create good digital experience.


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